The Satanic Temple or Simply an Atheistic Trick?

Ever since Oklahoma City, where a monument was dedicated to the Ten Commandments and then challenged by the Satanic Temple and its donation to erect a monument dedicated to the devil, the Satanic Temple group has continued to seek opportunities where its message would be heard. Most recently, that opportunity…

To Defeat Hillary Clinton

All kinds of gibberish is filling the airwaves on what Donald Trump must to do defeat Hillary Clinton in November for Presidency of the United States. “He must keep his head low.”  “He needs to quit attacking the Khan family.”  If he would this or if he would do that,…

Hillary’s America

My wife and I went to see Dinesh D’Souza’s latest documentary, this time dealing with the history of the Democratic Party leading up to the presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton. At first I was somewhat hesitant to go, thinking that this would be a waste of time and resources. By…

Making America Great

After all the hubbub the previous week surrounding the Republican In Name Only Convention, we endured another week’s worth of revelry and fanfare at the Demon National Convention.  As Yakov Smirnoff would say, “What a country!” Such excitement and inspiration caused me pause to reflect on the Donald’s (Trump) slogan,…

What Did We Learn from the Republican National Convention?

Well, it is finally over, and thank God for that!  The Republican National Convention, which could easily have been called the RINO National Convention, is history. Speeches were given, reveling abounded, and what exactly did we learn from the spectacle?  Here are few observations. First of all, there was a…

How Secularism Is Contributing to Islamization

The Bible makes it perfectly clear that “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all nations that forget God” (Ps. 9:17). The wicked being every person engaged in some kind of unrepentant rottenness that defies God’s commands. Collective wickedness naturally causes a nation to “forget,” probably better rendered “ignore,” God,…

The World Has Lost Its Collective Mind

That’s right.  I wrote it and it’s true.  The world has gone crazy, having relinquished whatever little sanity it had and has lost its collective mind. Whereas only a few short weeks ago the world was teetering on a nervous breakdown, recent events have made it clear that it has…

Why Does it Really Matter?

Thursday evening I am enjoying dinner with an old High School friend a thousand miles away from the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.  The food was great, but the conversation was even better, as we go back a long time and do not really get to see each other that often. Friday…

Global Warming

Over the course of the past few years, there have been all kinds of banter about global warming. From politicians to pundits, scientists to schoolteachers, grandmas and grandpas to grandchildren, speculations and assertions abound as to what it going on with terra firma. The earth is heating up, at least…

Online Mormons: Their Lies, Evasions, and Distortions

Recently, I had the repeated experience of dealing with an online Mormon, “Tom,” who did what he could to defend the Gospel According to Joseph Smith, which entailed a whole lot of lying, evading, and distorting. Unfortunately for Tom, because he did engage in so much duplicity, he ended up…