Galatians 2:1-10 — Paul’s Personal Defense: Part 2

In the Apostle Paul’s previous defense (1:11-24), he proved his apostleship by resorting to his former life as a Pharisee of the Pharisees and the phenomenal change he underwent, converting to Christianity. Not only did his whole demeanor change towards those he actively persecuted and had put to death, but his message of redemption in Christ changed as well. Now, Paul moves to another facet of his defense, which was an appeal to those who were the first apostles.

Paul recounts some of the events leading up to his eventual meeting with those considered to be of “reputation” in the church, even though that meeting only comprised Peter and James. By that time, however, Peter, as well as some of the others, had began to wane in their convictions. As will be seen later, they had succumbed to the very legalism that had “bewitched” the Galatians. Nevertheless, Paul’s acceptance by them, of his message and apostleship, served to debunk any notions that what he preached and lived was contrary to what was bestowed upon those called to be apostles by none other than Jesus Christ himself.

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PREVIOUS: Galatians 1:11-24 — Paul’s Personal Defense: Part 1
NEXT: Galatians 2:11-21 — Paul Confronts Peter

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