
Je ne suis pas Charlie Hebdo

Paul Derengowski, ThM It is has been two years since the French offices at magazine publisher Charlie Hebdo was attacked by two Islamic terrorists, killing 12 people. “Je suis Charlie” (“I am Charlie”) was the chant shortly afterward, as thousands of people stood in symbolic solidarity with the “rag that…

How Secularism Is Contributing to Islamization

The Bible makes it perfectly clear that “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all nations that forget God” (Ps. 9:17). The wicked being every person engaged in some kind of unrepentant rottenness that defies God’s commands. Collective wickedness naturally causes a nation to “forget,” probably better rendered “ignore,” God,…

The World Has Lost Its Collective Mind

That’s right.  I wrote it and it’s true.  The world has gone crazy, having relinquished whatever little sanity it had and has lost its collective mind. Whereas only a few short weeks ago the world was teetering on a nervous breakdown, recent events have made it clear that it has…