
Christian Prayer is now “Islamophobic”?

PODCAST: The Dhimmicrats, Demoniacs, and Diversiphiles were at it again, as they lambasted, impugned, criticized, vilified, accused, slandered, libeled, and demonized a Christian’s opening prayer in the Pennsylvania Legislature on Monday (March 25). Stephanie Borowicz, a Christian and Republican, gave the opening prayer, whereby she said the following: Jesus, I…

Why do they smear us?

Recently, a Muslim propagandist wrote another smear piece to try to guilt Americans and the west into trusting the Islamists who are hell-bent on conquering the world for Allah. Entitled, “Why do they fear us?“, Ph.D. candidate Zahid Mehmood Zahid blathered his way through several straw men arguments, forgetting that…

The Hatefulness of Twitter

Paul Derengowski, ThM Yesterday, I was informed that the CAPro account over at Twitter had been suspended. Apparently, a couple of Muslims did not like a couple of questions I asked in retort to the nonsense they were posting about Islam. This all occurred over a month ago (October 20)…

I Am Not Your Brother

Paul Derengowski, ThM The other day a Muslim by the name of Abu Jaffar attempted to sway me to his way of thinking in a Facebook post about the commonalities between Christianity and Islam. It all started when I asked him why he was preaching his Islamic message in a…

An Islamic State: Yeah, So?

Paul Derengowski, ThM This morning I was thinking about a quote I saw posted by a news feed I receive every morning.  It read, “We will win because Americans don’t realize…we do not need to defeat you militarily; we only need to fight long enough for you to defeat yourself…

How Secularism Is Contributing to Islamization

The Bible makes it perfectly clear that “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all nations that forget God” (Ps. 9:17). The wicked being every person engaged in some kind of unrepentant rottenness that defies God’s commands. Collective wickedness naturally causes a nation to “forget,” probably better rendered “ignore,” God,…

The World Has Lost Its Collective Mind

That’s right.  I wrote it and it’s true.  The world has gone crazy, having relinquished whatever little sanity it had and has lost its collective mind. Whereas only a few short weeks ago the world was teetering on a nervous breakdown, recent events have made it clear that it has…

Obedient Muslims versus the Wannabes

How many times in the recent past have you turned on the television or radio, or perhaps surfed the Internet for news articles looking for information on the latest Islamic terror attack, and whoever that was doing the reporting either avoided using the terms Islam or Muslim, or simply reverted…