

Just read this morning that World War 3 has been declared by a Russian news anchor, but very few seem to be aware of it. Oh, it’s not that Russia invading Ukraine hasn’t been in the news repeatedly ever since it took up the task. One could hardly miss that,…

The Last Days: Apostasy, Part 2

In conclusion of the subject of apostasy in the last days, the following video is presented. The Bible makes it perfectly clear that if anyone is going to understand when the last days of human existence, just prior to God’s judgment, is to commence, then looking for natural catastrophes is…

Corona Chaos

Never in my lifetime, and that is no exaggeration, have I ever seen the world turned on its head like I have recently witnessed with the whole Corona Virus charade (and yes, it is a charade). What started in Wuhan, China has now swept the globe and in country-after-country its…