Supreme Court

Why America Doesn’t Need a New Kind of Atheism

Recently, a disgruntled Muslim turned atheist (more like agnostic) over at MSNBC argued for the need of “a new style of atheism” to combat what he perceived to be a “creeping theocracy” and “death of conventional religion.” According to Zeeshan Aleem, not only could atheism protect against a godly society,…

Happy Independence Day Delusion

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July; a day when all Americans celebrate their independence as a free people. Now, let’s blow away the haze of all those fireworks and think about this just a little and see just how independent and free Americans truly are. Politically, we have a sitting…

America’s Big Orgy Is On Its Way!

It comes as no big surprise that homosexual marriage is now legal in all 50 states in America. The United States has been gradually slipping down the antinomian slide for several years now, so to finally legalize what was once illegal is only logical. From illogic and inconsistency we get…