Articles by Paul Derengowski, Ph.D.

God’s Infernal Wrath

This last week the City of Los Angeles discovered what God’s wrath was partially all about by allowing thousands of homes and businesses to be destroyed by raging wild fires. Of course, California is almost becoming used to one out-of-control conflagration after another. It even has a “fire season,” with…

2025 Priorities

Recently, a fairly prominent and upcoming politician asked the following question: “What issue do you care most about at the start of 2025?” She gave following four issues that I assume were most important to her as possible choices. Southern Border Inflation Government Spending Crime As of this blog post,…

New Orleans Terrorism: A Sign of Things to Come?

So, here we are; January 1st of a brand new year, and we’re already off on the wrong foot. A Muslim clown by the name of Shamsud-Din Jabbar decided to take a truck and run down a bunch of people on a busy New Orleans street. Worse yet, law enforcement…

Playing Russian Roulette with the Devil at Halloween

Recently, one of my former students wrote to ask what my position was on Halloween. It is something I have always encouraged all of my students to do, when something piqued their interest and they were not quite sure what to make of whatever subject might be wafting through their…

Judgment is not a Threat; It’s a Promise

Well, it seems that the Devil’s minions are in a panic these days over the recent alleged threats being leveled at Judge Matthew Barrett, et al, over him sentencing Mrs. Tina Peters. Peters was the Mesa County Colorado Clerk and Recorder who received a nine-year prison sentence at the hands…

Does God Endorse a Particular Candidate or Party?

Last night I was asked, rather disingenuously, whether I believed “that the Lord God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, has a candidate and party in US politics?!” It came in the context of arguing that what occurred, recently, with a Colorado clerk, Mrs. Tina Peters, being sentenced to nine…

Tenth Commandment: Do not Covet

The Tenth Commandment deals with evil desire or an illicit longing after something that someone else already owns or possesses. It is called coveting and reads thusly: You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or…

Ninth Commandment: Do Not Slander or Libel Your Neighbor

The actual rendering in most English versions of the Bible concerning the Ninth Commandment is, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Ex 20:16; Dt 5:20). But, bearing false witness against your neighbor amounts to lying about him or her with the express intent to cause mental, emotional,…

Eighth Commandment: Do Not Steal

The eighth commandment also deals with relationships between humans, and of which they own as property, whether of their own identity or other things outside their immediate being. It is point-blank, straight forward, and simple. “You shall not steal” (Ex 20:15; Dt 5:19). Theft ranks right along with dealing falsely…