“Burn well”

Paul Derengowski, PhD

If there is one good thing that has come out of all the ugly rhetoric being spewed by defenders of illegal immigration these days, it is simply this; it has exposed a lot of religious frauds that otherwise may not have been exposed.

Also, it has served to get at least some people back into the Bible, who otherwise did not know the Bible existed or they had not opened it in years.

As for the religious frauds, I’m referring specifically to those who cannot stand the idea that someone who knows the biblical message and disagrees with them.

What often starts out as a more-or-less incoherent secular argument from them turns into a religious one, whereby all of the sudden the religious frauds become authorities on what God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have to say, not only on the subject of illegal immigration, but also the eternal welfare of persons contending with them.

Such was the case recently with a character who decided to challenge my stance on illegal immigration over on Twitter.

I had noted that the follower of a political candidate (Beto O’Rourke) decided to block me, after I had successfully defended the fact that the follower was not what he claimed to be, namely a “Conservative” voting for a Socialist.

So, after he called me a couple of choice names, he was gone.

In comes his replacement who hides behind the pseudonym “somuchtodo2.”

Her initial defense had to do with equating Irish settlers to the United States back in the nineteenth century with the motley crew of illegal aliens crossing the southern border today.

When I pointed out the fallacy and irrelevance of making such an equation, she evacuated that ploy and resorted to the economic benefit of illegal immigration.

She made the bald-faced claim that illegal aliens pay taxes, as if paying taxes (which is untrue) somehow allows a criminal to carry on with his or her criminal activities.

At that point, Ms. Incognito must have taken a look at my Twitter bio, because that is when a whole slew of Bible verses came pouring forth from her keyboard quicker than a Jehovah’s Witness playing Bible ping-pong on a potential victim’s doorstep.

But, after debunking each of her specious attempts at perverting the Bible to make her case, the real “somuchtodo2” came to the surface.

She really did not care what the Bible had to say, much less did she care what I written in an article that I posted for her to read dealing with Jesus and illegal immigration (see “Jesus Would Have Deported Jorge“).

Instead, she wanted me, and probably everyone else who exposed her pompous fraud, to “burn well.”

I was the liar. I was desperate. I was hateful.

All of the usual mean-spirited rhetoric that at least I have become accustomed to over the years, came pouring forth from her caustic keyboard.

Then, to make her false piety even more evident, she decided to act as God and pass eternal judgment upon me by failing to see any hope for me.

Forget the fact that I dealt with her argument and not with her as an individual.

Forget the fact that she never rebutted my biblical response; most likely because she never read it.

Forget the fact that she sees salvation as predicated on personal effort, which only means she stands condemned herself.

“Burn well” was her real wish and what she really wanted to write all along.

It is really what she and the rest of her ilk are all about; lawlessness plus false piety and the diabolic wish to see others “burn” for disagreeing with them.

Well, if disagreeing with such convoluted perversion means that I will “burn well,” I would rather that happen than to reside in the proximity of those who will burn for eternity for being false prophets and teachers.

So, thanks to her and the rest of the advocates of antinomianism and anarchy, who then run to the Bible for support.

It makes you easier to spot than an illegal alien crossing the Rio Grande in broad daylight.

About the Author

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D.
Founder of the Christian Apologetics Project PhD, Theology with Dogmatics, North-West University (2018); MA Apologetics with Honors, BIOLA University (2007); ThM, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2003); MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2000); BA Pastoral Ministry & Bible, Baptist Bible College (1992)