
Morality is what, Subjective?

Recently, a mindless wonder I managed to encounter online argued that morality is subjective.  His statement came in light of the case brought before the Supreme Court a couple of days ago, where it is deciding whether or not homosexuals should be recognized as allowed to marry. I had to…

Jenner Jibe

The next step in the desensitization of the American public to accept homosexuality as normal is the push by the homosexual lobby and the diabolical media to get everyone focused on “transgender” people.  Tonight, on ABC, Diane Sawyer helped that agenda along by interviewing wannabe woman, Bruce Jenner. According to…

Criminalizing Christianity

I am not a big fan of the former Governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, given the bailing on his call as a Christian minister in exchange for the reins of political advocacy and media expediency to advance his personal career.  That said, I would have to agree that he is…