
The Religion of Peace: Halloween Edition

Paul Derengowski, ThM By now, unless you are living under a bridge, you know that another Islamist has committed another act of terrorism, again, in New York City. According to, that would be terrorist attack 32,028 since 9/11. It was reported that MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) had…

“Family Friendly” Halloween

Halloween: That time of the year when the dead supposedly wander the earth more freely, the pagans get all giddy about being one with mother nature (again), and Christians throw the Bible to the wind and join in on all the revelry. This year, though, a phrase caught my eye,…

“Me Too!” and the Way of the World

It is now in vogue these days for everyone it seems, at least in Hollywood, to be shouting “Me too!” while claiming to have been victims of sexual harassment or sexual assault. The most recent “Me too!” anthem started with a Tweet by left wing nutcase, Alyssa Milano. Alyssa actually…

Charlottesville is NOT about Racism

Paul Derengowski, ThM By now many of you have overdosed on phony baloney news coverage of the recent spectacle that occurred at Charlottesville, Virginia. In short, idiots on the left wanted to take down a Civil War monument, some idiots on the right objected, and all hell broke loose. One…