
Conflicting Standards of Truth

Opinions are like noses. Everyone has one and they all smell. In fact, it is because too many baseless or faulty standards of truth are being followed that so many are being led astray by ill-conceived opinions—about everything! Dr. Paul takes a look at four foundations of truth, one of…

Is the Bible Defensible?

A whole new onslaught is taking place these days upon the Bible. Why? Because it is being compared to the illicit and salacious writings of those fostering a perverse agenda that wants to target young children. That said, the overall view of the Bible among Christians and Christian leaders is…

Why is NOT ALL Scripture inspired by God?

The Apostle Paul made it clear that, “All Scripture is inspired by God, and is profitable” for a wide variety of things pertaining to faith and practice. So, why is it that a growing number of people are in abject disagreement with Paul’s assessment? Why are they presupposing that some…

What if the Bible is NOT the Word of God?

More and more people, it seems, are rejecting the reality that God’s Word, the Bible, is his word. This goes right along with recent data that asserts that more and more people are rejecting biblical Christianity and turning to more “spiritual” forms of religion. It also goes right along with…

How May God Be Known: Part 2

In Part 1, Dr. Paul began to answer the question of How God May Be Known by discussing the method of knowing God, as well as the contingency behind knowing God. In Part 2, Dr. Paul uses God’s three methods that he has chosen to get to know him, and…

How May God Be Known: Part 1

In a effort to address the emergency that besets humanity, as well as the Christian church, Dr. Paul begins the treatment by asking the question of How God May Be Known? It is a question that few wish to ask, much less answer. But, it is necessary, if humanity and…

Eight Theological Cures for the Ongoing Emergency: Part 2

In the previous podcast dealing with the Eight Theological Cures for the Ongoing Emergency, Dr. Paul addressed exegetical, biblical, historical, and philosophical theologies. In this podcast, Dr. Paul concludes the two-part series by discussing systematic theology, apologetic/polemic theology, ethical theology, and practical theology. Although all of the “cures” are intertwined,…

Eight Theological Cures for the Ongoing Emergency: Part1

American and the world is facing an emergency, as Dr. Paul et al have pointed out before. Morally, ethically, spiritually, economically, etc., the Christian church has lost its way and the end result is a developing tragedy whereby it has invited the judgment of God. In the first of two…

Addressing the Theological Emergency

In the previous podcast, Dr. Paul broached the subject of the theological emergency that besets humanity. It is an emergency that has been going on for almost a hundred years, if not longer, and the “abyss” that mankind stands over is not getting any better. Humanity is on the verge…