Christian Prayer is now “Islamophobic”?


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The Dhimmicrats, Demoniacs, and Diversiphiles were at it again, as they lambasted, impugned, criticized, vilified, accused, slandered, libeled, and demonized a Christian’s opening prayer in the Pennsylvania Legislature on Monday (March 25).

Stephanie Borowicz, a Christian and Republican, gave the opening prayer, whereby she said the following:

Jesus, I thank you for this privilege, Lord, of letting me pray, God. That I, Jesus, am Your ambassador today. Standing here representing You, the King of kings and Lord or lords, the Great I Am, the one who is coming back again; the one who came, died and rose again on the third day. I’m so privileged to stand here today. So, thank You for this honor, Jesus.

God, for those that came before us, like George Washington in Valley Forge and Abraham Lincoln who sought after You in Gettysburg and the Founding Fathers in Independence Hall, Jesus, that sought after You and fasted and prayed for this nation to be founded on Your principles and Your words and Your truths.

God forgive us. Jesus we’ve lost sight of You. We’ve forgotten You, God, in our country. And we are asking You to forgive us, Jesus. Your promise in Your word says, if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek Your face and turn from their wicked ways, that You’ll heal our land. Jesus, You are our only hope.

God, I pray for our leaders; Speaker Turzi, Leader Culter, Governor Wolf, President Trump. Lord, thank You that he stands beside Israel unequivocally Lord. Thank You that, Jesus, that we are blessed because we stand by Israel and we ask for the peace of Jerusalem, as Your word says, God.

We ask that we not be overcome by evil and that we overcome evil with good in this land once again. I claim all these things in the powerful, mighty name of Jesus, at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that You, Jesus, are Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

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Such a God-honoring prayer was deemed “Islamophobic,” given that Pennsylvania’s first Muslima was to be sworn into office following Borowicz’s prayer.

Others thought the prayer was “mean-spirited,” “weaponized,” “flaunted,” “twisted,” “white,” “unwelcome,” “divisive,” “offensive,” a “triumphalist trope,” “exclusionary,” and “controversial.”

All of the things a person could expect from those who hate God, who hate Jesus, and above all, who hate the truth, came sputtering forth from between their ignominious lips.

To a Christian, who understands what Ms. Borowicz’s petition was all about, it was simply a scriptural invocation, pleading that God would intervene, revive, and reform a nation that has gone astray from its foundational moorings.

To the perverse, the wicked, and the impostor, it was supremacist “hate speech” that upset their devilish autocracy that sees all religious ideas as equals, thereby denigrating the Bible, what Jesus accomplished on the cross, and God’s sovereign rule over His creation.

The Muslims who were present and whom the media fawned all over, played the victim card, as usual, and exposed what they are really all about by arguing that the prayer was “mean-spirited, anti-semetic, and xenophobic.”

And guess who led the charge by making such specious comments? Why, it was none other than another member of the “Muslim mafia,” Jacob Bender from CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations).

How convenient that Bender and the Islamic mob would accuse a Christian of being mean-spirited, given CAIR’s long history of mean-spirited support of Hamas and Hezbollah, as they launch rockets into Israel on a daily basis to hopefully eliminate its existence.

How ironic that Bender and the Islamic mob would accuse a Christian of being anti-semitic, when the Muslims have been on an anti-semitic, murderous rampage against the Jews since the days when Muhammad, Islam’s founder, systematically beheaded up to 900 Jews with his own bare hands.

How curious that Bender and the Islamic mob would accuse a Christian of xenophobia, given that Muslims have been murdering foreigners, including millions of Christians, who refuse to submit to the Islamic demands associated with their faulty ideology.

The bright side of this prayer is that Ms. Borowicz has said she will not apologize for what she said and she shouldn’t!

Let all these Islamophiles and Islamofascists pound sand and may what she said come to fruition.

May those same Islamophiles and Islamofascists be exposed for their own mean-spiritedness, divisiveness, hypocrisy, and corruption.

Above all, may the Lord Jesus Christ be honored and glorified by this prayer, as He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords (Rev. 19:16), and every knee will bow before Him one day (Phil. 2:9-11), Islamophile and Islamofascist alike, whether they like it or not.

Dear Lord, please protect Stephanie Borowicz and her family from those who would do her harm for telling the truth and then making a stand upon it. Amen!

About the Author

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D.
Founder of the Christian Apologetics Project PhD, Theology with Dogmatics, North-West University (2018); MA Apologetics with Honors, BIOLA University (2007); ThM, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2003); MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2000); BA Pastoral Ministry & Bible, Baptist Bible College (1992)