Democratic National Convention Drivel

Are you having problems with insomnia? Have you ever felt the need to vomit, but needed a little bit of help? Is the uncontrollable urge know what a hypocrite is really like consuming your life? Well, then, Dr. Paul has the perfect cure for all of these, plus many others. Watch the Democratic National Convention. Not only will the repetitive blatherings of some of the Leftist-Marxists in the Democrat Party be enough to put anyone into a coma—even after ten shots of espresso and a case of industrial strength Vivarin—but after the person is done, he will want to find the nearest commode and toss his cookies. Moreover, it you ever really to see what hypocrisy on steroids looks like, personified, then the  DNC has managed to assemble some of America’s finest moral-ethical rejects on the planet, including Bill “Slick Willie” Clinton and his lovely wife Hildabeast; Bernie “I comb my hair with a socialist balloon” Sanders; Alexandria “I have vapor trials in my head” Ocasio-Cortez; Michelle “I put the Wookie to shame” Obama, and of course her condescending commi-creep husband, Barry “You didn’t do that” Sotero. Of course, what would hypocrisy be without Quid Pro “Sleepy” Joe “Gimme some sugar, little girl, while I grope you with my free hand” Biden. It is a roach-infested cast of Democratic degenerates that, if you don’t absolutely want to take you television and chunk it out in the street after watching, you’ll be absolutely bored out of your mind, having heard all the lies, distortions, and delusional clap-trap before.

About the Author

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D.
Founder of the Christian Apologetics Project PhD, Theology with Dogmatics, North-West University (2018); MA Apologetics with Honors, BIOLA University (2007); ThM, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2003); MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2000); BA Pastoral Ministry & Bible, Baptist Bible College (1992)