This last week the City of Los Angeles discovered what God’s wrath was partially all about by allowing thousands of homes and businesses to be destroyed by raging wild fires.
Of course, California is almost becoming used to one out-of-control conflagration after another.
It even has a “fire season,” with the expectation that whole forests will go up in smoke, and that mainly due to poor forest management and the Leftist ideas that help fuel the devastation.
That said, though, it is ultimately a fulfillment of what the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:18 that gives sense to what is going on in California, and elsewhere, when a catastrophe takes place.
Paul wrote, “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth” (Rom 1:18).
In a state where anti-Christian and Leftist-Marxist philosophies rule the day, and off the chart morons in Hollywood attempt to titillate the rest of the America and the world with their hellish performances, it comes as no surprise that we continually see the fires, drought, earthquakes rain down from heaven upon it all.
And it will continue to happen with increasing ferocity, so long as the ungodly keep pushing their agendas and thumbing their noses at God.
Now, some might ask, “But, what about all of God’s people who are suffering? What about their houses? Are you saying that they were suppressing the truth in unrighteousness too, as their houses went up in flames?”
No. We’re all under God wrath because of unrepentant sin and failure to live up to God’s standards of righteousness.
It is that living in the world, while becoming a part of it leads to sharing in God’s judgment upon it.
Too many Christians think that they are invincible when it comes to God’s wrath simply because they falsely assume that they better than they actually are.
They are worst kinds of Christians who believe that one day they are going to be raptured out of the world when God’s judgment is at a fever pitch, as is outlined in the Book of Revelation.
Such thinking leads to an apathetic or complacent acceptance of the kind of governance taking place in California, and before long tragedies are exploding all around, and everyone is left wondering how they could have happened to them.
Well, it is destined to get worse. God said it would.
Lord willing, you will follow what the Apostle Paul said, when he warned of the day coming when things will go from bad to worse.
“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim 3:14-15).
Of course, that would mean your faith stems from an acquaintance with the sacred writings.
Otherwise, you can expect to be astonished or bewildered by more of God’s infernal wrath to come.