Climate Change is Coming!

Climate change is all the rage these days. The “scientists” have spoken about an impending Doomsday, if we all do not immediately get rid of our gas-powered vehicles and go purchase electric ones. The world is becoming unbearably hot and if humanity does not do something radical, then it will…

Trump ”Cult”: The C-word is back in vogue: Hour 2

Many on the Left end of the political spectrum have started using the C-word (i.e. “cult”) to describe former President Donald J. Trump as a “cult leader” and those who support him as “cult” follower. In fact, the whole MAGA movement is rife with “cultism.” But, are Donald Trump’s critics…

Trump ”Cult”: The C-word is back in vouge: Hour 1

Many on the Left end of the political spectrum have started using the C-word (i.e. “cult”) to describe former President Donald J. Trump as a “cult leader” and those who support him as “cult” follower. In fact, the whole MAGA movement is rife with “cultism.” But, are Donald Trump’s critics…

Apostasy or Apathy: What to do?

Another article was published recently describing the apostasy that is prevalent in the “Church.” The idea conveyed by the author is that apostasy is leading the way for the Antichrist to be successful in duping many people upon his arrival. Dr. Paul contends that apathy among many of those same…

What is in the Bible: : Part 13: The Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation is choked full of mystery and intrigue. But, according to the Apostle John, those who read, listen, and put its words to practice will be blessed by it. So, why would anyone despise it? Dr. Paul takes a look at some of its themes, including the…

What is in the Bible: Part 12: John and Jude’s Letters

Did you know that Christians still sin, but that confessing sin is something that God will forgive (and forget) and wipe the slate clean? Did you know that the devil has children too? Did you know that one definition of love is to live a life that obeys God’s commandments?…

What is in the Bible? Part 11: Peter’s Letters

Did you know that the Apostle Peter taught “Once Saved, Always Saved”? Did you know that the Apostle Peter taught that Christians should subject themselves to secular government authority? Did you know that the Apostle Peter taught that ALL Christians are to be apologists, and not just a few professionals…

What is in the Bible?: Part 10: James

What makes some people love the idea that they can work their way to heaven? Why do some people hate the idea that godly works are necessary to validate their professed faith? Why are are not demons Christians? After all, they believe in God too. When is freedom of speech…

What is in the Bible?: Part 9: Hebrews

Dr. Paul spends an hour briefly talking about the New Testament book of Hebrews in light of the question of why some people love the Bible, while others hate it. What is in the Book of Hebrews, especially when it talks about revealing God in the person of Jesus? Also,…

What is in the Bible?: Part 8: The Pastoral Epistles

The Apostle Paul’s final letters, otherwise known as the Pastoral Epistles, become the objects of Dr. Paul’s continuing survey of what is in the Bible that causes some people to love and others to hate it. What did the Apostle Paul have to say about getting rich quick? Is money…