North-West University

Our South African Journey: Departure

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D. Thursday, August 2, was our last day in South Africa. The morning was spent scrambling about getting our bags packed, picking up my cap and gown, which included doing the administrative things necessary to make sure they were paid for. Lee wanted us to be out of…

Our South African Journey: Speak

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D. Wednesday morning, the day before our departure, we were up early for a long day of opportunities scheduled by Dr. Stoker to speak with some of the students and faculty on various subjects. If I am not mistaken, the order was ethics, chapel, and then apologetics. Of…

Our South African Journey: Lunch

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D. Earning a doctorate is a big deal, as it should be. Earning a doctorate at North-West University is a really big deal, as the school demonstrated at the lunch reception after the graduation ceremony. A huge spread was provided for all the doctoral graduates and their guests,…

Our South African Journey: Graduation

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D. Monday evening before graduation was spent buying new clothes at the local mall, since Delta Airlines had not yet delivered our luggage, as expected. Woolworth’s, of which I did not even know it still existed, was the main shopping hot-spot. So, it was shoes, slacks, and shirts,…

Our South African Journey: Departure

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D. Our South African journey to pick up my doctoral degree actually started about a month before we took off on July 28, 2018. After being notified that a graduation date had been set, I commenced setting everything up for my wife and I to fly to South…

Mission Doctorate Accomplished!

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D. Finally, after many years of researching, writing, editing, submitting, and then repeating the cycle again, and again, and again, yours truly has earned his doctorate. Thank God! On July 31, 2018, the Philosophiae Doctor in Theology with Dogmatics was conferred upon me by the Vice Chancellor, Dan…