What Did We Learn from the Republican National Convention?

Well, it is finally over, and thank God for that!  The Republican National Convention, which could easily have been called the RINO National Convention, is history.

Speeches were given, reveling abounded, and what exactly did we learn from the spectacle?  Here are few observations.

First of all, there was a lot of pretentiousness going on, whether in the form of trumped-up emotion (no pun intended) to outward expressions of body language that conveyed a desire to be elsewhere.

Much of the emotion was implied anger over the direction the country had taken the past few years under Barak Obama, as well as the thought of Hillary Clinton carrying on his legacy.

As noted before, however, many of these “Conservatives” could have stopped much of the country’s bleeding by impeaching and removing Obama and arresting and prosecuting Hillary.

They chose to do neither.

So, now they have to act that they are all up in arms, and doing so poorly, to try to sell their case to an American public that listens to them, that with a new Commander-n-Chief they will right the wrongs of everybody, not including their own wrongs.

Second, eclecticism run amok.  It was a veritable hodge-podge of speakers, entertainers, and performers with conflicting backgrounds and ideologies came to the fore with their views of what America stood for, or at least should.

At times, one almost got the impression that the Democrats were holding their convention, it was such a mess.

While Mike Pence, Newt Gingrich, Ted Cruz, and even Ivanka Trump, all gave outstanding speeches, one speaker that cast a shadow on the whole event, but exemplified just how conflicted the party and convention have become, mainly because of his perverse lifestyle, was PayPal Founder and CEO, Peter Thiel.

After spending the opening moments of his speech talking about how decrepit things have become in the tech world, and how wonderful things were for him and his father who brought him to Cleveland, where “opportunity was everywhere,” he ventured off on a diatribe about how “stupid wars” needed to end with the following commentary:

When I was a kid, the great debate was about how to defeat the Soviet Union. And we won. Now we are told that the great debate is about who gets to use which bathroom.  This is a distraction from our real problems.  Who cares?  Of course, every American has a unique identity.  I am proud to be gay.  I am proud to be a Republican.  But most of all I am proud to be an American.

Talk about “stupid” by comparing the Cold War with Russia with invasion of a woman’s or little girl’s privacy in a public restroom by a sexual deviant or pervert wanting to check them out under the pretense that he “identifies” as a woman.

Talk about “stupid” for calling such deviancy a “distraction from our real problems,” when school districts are bullied by the Chief Law Officer of the United States, who mandates that they must comply with idiotic laws which help to propel the deviancy.

Talk about “stupid” for even asking “Who cares?” when it is quite clear that normal, healthy, thoughtful men, women, and children all care about their own well-being in contrast to those who wish to violate it.

Talk about “stupid” by insinuating that homosexuality is “unique” and that he is “proud,” when God calls it an abomination and he should be ashamed.

Talk about “stupid” to be calling himself a Republican, when at one time Republicans had more moral gumption about themselves that to allow a pervert stand before them and preach the wonders of perversion and how everyone should accept his ungodly rant as “unique.”

Talk about “stupid” to be calling himself a “proud American,” where at one time proud Americans frowned on perversion by initially labeling homosexuality a mental disorder.

What made Thiel’s comments even more sickening is when the prospective Commander-n-Chief, Donald Trump, took the stage and said, off script, “As a Republican, it is so nice to hear you cheering for LGBTQ people.”

Donald seemed surprised, but why?  It is because, as just mentioned, the Republican Party used to be a party of principle guided by a biblical ethos.  It is no longer that party, which is why many on the floor of the convention were cheering both Thiel’s and Trump’s homosexual herald and appreciation.

It is also why Donald thought it was “nice,” even though there is nothing “nice” about homosexuality.  It is brutal, selfish, and destructive.

A so-called “friend” even chided that I needed to acknowledge reality and respect the perverts and perversion.

When I asked, what reality was I supposed to acknowledge and what was respectable about perversion, the come-back was, “They’re not perverted, that’s just who they are!”

That is interesting, because that is not how God sees them.  God sees them and their activities as an “abomination,” so much so that He completely destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of it and warned that the homosexual would never see the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9).

Nevertheless, by Trump condoning the perversion, he managed to undermine everything he said that had the appearance of being different than Hillary.

By nominating Donald Trump, the Republican Party demonstrated that it is not what it used to be, but is more like the unprincipled and ungodly Democratic Party.

By nominating Donald Trump, the Republican Party demonstrated just how desperate it has become, exchanging empty bombast and personal insults for true Constitutional conservatism and divine dependence.

By nominating Donald Trump, it will be more business as usual, since he is already in the back pockets of those who are using him as a puppet to carry on their Democratic ideas under the mask of Republicanism.

Of course, the Donald is a “lesser evil” than Hillary, so the argument goes, and that to fail to vote for Donald is to vote for Hillary.

But such an argument comes out of the social and political conditioning imposed upon everyone by those who are evil.

Instead of demanding excellence in conformity with the truth, we are now expected to compromise with evil and damn any talk about excellence or truth.

I, though, will continue to demand excellence and the truth, and if that means Hillary becomes the President, so be it.

Given what the so-called “Republicans,” “Conservatives,” and “Evangelicals” have done during the past few years to let evil reign, with impunity, along with their failure to listen then those same persons deserve what they get as a President.

Maybe next time, if there is one, those doing the nominating will think twice—or maybe even three, four, or five times—before propping up someone as thee representative to lead the Party and the nation because of his ego and arrogance, rather than his moral character and Constitutional stance.

About the Author

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D.
Founder of the Christian Apologetics Project PhD, Theology with Dogmatics, North-West University (2018); MA Apologetics with Honors, BIOLA University (2007); ThM, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2003); MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2000); BA Pastoral Ministry & Bible, Baptist Bible College (1992)