Admire the Gay Rag Only to Keep Ignoring the Real Issue: Islamic Terrorism

Here we are one week later and many are still in denial of what the real issue is behind the Muslim attack in Orlando, Florida, which is Islamic terrorism.

Instead, certain factions in society have tried desperately, and sometimes with a fair amount success, to make guns the issue, Donald Trump the issue, or even the Second Amendment to the Constitution the issue.

Most recently, the City of Tampa has fallen victim to the misdirection, like many others, by making homosexuality the issue.

County Commissioners decided to fly a rainbow flag outside the county center until the end of June to show solidarity with the victims of the Orlando massacre.

In fact, of all the issues raised to divert attention away from Islamic terrorism, the homosexual issue is getting the greatest amount of play, as if to normalize the sickness that is homosexuality, and anyone who would dare object are simply hateful homophobes.

What such misdirection and the changing of the narrative behind Orlando does, though, is put everyone in jeopardy.

Rather than sticking to the real reason why Omar Mateen did what he did, as inspired by the death memes found in the Koran, Hadith, and the Sunnah, certain voices in society have taken it upon themselves to use the massacre as an opportunity to garner sympathy for a behavior that is every bit as deadly, if not more so, as any Islamic shooter opening up fire in a perverted night club.

To prove the point, can you recall how many homosexuals were allowed to give blood at local Orlando hospitals shortly after all the smoke had cleared from all the shooting?

That’s right.  There were zero.  And why was that?  Because homosexuals, especially males, are still those with the highest risk of contracting and spreading the AIDS virus due to their risky behavior.

Although the mortality rate has slightly improved for homosexuals that have contracted AIDS, the number of homosexual men (ages 13-24) contracting AIDS had risen by 22% from 2008 to 2010!

According to a CDC Fact Sheet,

Young black MSM (Men having Sex with Men) continue to bear the heaviest burden, accounting for more than half (55 percent) of new infections among young MSM (4,800).  In fact, young black MSM now account for more new infections than any other subgroup by race/ethnicity, age, and sex.  There was a 12 percent increase in HIV incidence among MSM overall, from 26,700 in 2008 to 29,800 in 2010.

The CDC estimates that 1.2 million people in the United States are infected with the HIV virus and that almost 1 in 8, or 12%, are unaware they are infected.

Homosexual men lead the way with a whopping 78% of all infections, even though they  represent only between 2-4% of the population!

And yet, we are all supposed to disregard those facts, along with the obvious the reason why Mateen did what he did, just so we can all feel better about endorsing perversion, so long as we forget about what that entails and we just keep looking up at the “Gay” flag flying above us alongside Old Glory?

This, of course, does not condone what Mateen did.  No one deserves to be murdered.  What is does mean is that as long as this false narrative is trumpeted as primary, then those doing the trumpeting are setting up everyone for the next Islamic terror attack, which is coming more frequently.

We do not need rainbow colored flags flying above any government building, much less anywhere else at all.  Homosexuality is nothing to be proud of.

It is a disgusting sin that ought to cause those who engage in it shame, as well as it should do the same to the society that fails to call it what it is.

What we do need are public officials and law enforcement to be concentrating on the real issue, Islamic terrorism, and then taking the necessary steps to stop it before the next Islamist opens fire.

Otherwise, the next group of victims just may be a couple of thousand heterosexuals at a county fair winding down the summer season.

But, because our public officials and law enforcement were so tied up protecting a handful of sodomites doing their thing in the back room of a darkened club, they were unable to protect the vast majority of normal, healthy, law-abiding people out to have a wholesome good time.

Any bets that if such a scenario happened, God forbid, that the vast majority would still be in denial and the focus would be on something irrelevant?

If so, then flying some goofy flag above City Hall, the State Capital, the White House, or abusing the United States flag by lowering it to half mast, after the fact, will do nothing but continue to add to the body count.

About the Author

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D.
Founder of the Christian Apologetics Project PhD, Theology with Dogmatics, North-West University (2018); MA Apologetics with Honors, BIOLA University (2007); ThM, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2003); MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2000); BA Pastoral Ministry & Bible, Baptist Bible College (1992)