
Why America Doesn’t Need a New Kind of Atheism

Recently, a disgruntled Muslim turned atheist (more like agnostic) over at MSNBC argued for the need of “a new style of atheism” to combat what he perceived to be a “creeping theocracy” and “death of conventional religion.” According to Zeeshan Aleem, not only could atheism protect against a godly society,…

Is it true that the wicked will not be raised immortal?

Paul Derengowski, PhD Edward Fudge and the exponents of the Conditional Immortality/Annihilation point-of-view are absolutely certain that the wicked or unrepentant evil are mortal beings, and that sometime during their mortal existence they will simply cease to exist. God will passed judgment upon them, and then after a relatively short…

Why is Conditional Immortality Growing in Popularity?

The late exponent, or main character to re-ignite the “fire” of Conditionalism, Edward Fudge quoted Southern Seminary President Al Mohler as asking, “How did a doctrine so centrally enshrined in the system of theology suffer such a wholesale abandonment?”1 Of course, Mohler was talking about the traditional view of the…


Just read this morning that World War 3 has been declared by a Russian news anchor, but very few seem to be aware of it. Oh, it’s not that Russia invading Ukraine hasn’t been in the news repeatedly ever since it took up the task. One could hardly miss that,…

When the World Hates You

Jesus said, “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.” It is a sobering reminder that if a Christian plans to live as one in the world, then he/she is going to face plenty of insults, libel, and slander coming from those who…

Calling all One-Worlders

Yesterday, Monday, March 21, 2022, Resident Joe “Brandon” Biden expressed his desire to lead in the “reset” of the world by seizing the opportunity to unite the world under the New World Order. He said, “Now is the time when things are shifting, there’s going to be a new world…

International Day to Combat Islamophobia Ruse

You probably didn’t hear about, but a couple of days ago the United Nations General Assembly resoundingly approved that March 15th be designated the “International Day to Combat Islamophobia.” The point of the designation was to expose and hopefully silence criticism of Islam, even though it included “discrimination, intolerance and…

Ministers of Another Kind

Are you as fed up as I am with what you’re hearing at church these days. Men, who supposedly have been appointed by God to proclaim the whole counsel of God, have become rank amateurs of biblical study and worse yet, men of misfit opinions, like those heard on radio…