College bribery, COVID-19, and some really bad logic

So, here I am visiting the old stomping grounds in Laramie, Wyoming.

My wife and I decided to grab lunch at one of the local eating establishments where the University of Wyoming’s school newspaper, the Branding Iron, is distributed for free.

While waiting for our meal I came across an article in BI highlighted the bribery taking place at UW in order to get students vaccinated against the China virus.

I call it bribery because that is exactly what it is.

A bribe is defined as, “money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust,” or “something that serves to induce or influence” (Merriam-Webster online).

The article, “More students win vaccine incentive prizes,” (emphasis mine) catalogs several instances where UW, and even the City of Laramie and Albany County, are now engaged in handing out bribes in the form of money and prizes if only the unvaccinated students will get vaccinated.

The money and prizes range from $4,500 tuition and fee reductions to free “A” lot parking places to cash bribes ranging from $1,000 to $2,500.

And for all the fence-sitters out there, there is always “One of the biggest prizes” dangling out there that is sure to persuade even the most skeptical: a catered dinner, along with five friends, with UW President Ed Seidel “and his partner” (whatever “partner” means).

Wow! Taco Tuesday galore, as the bribed and his/her friends sit around the table bumping elbows with the Big Cheese of the university talking Cowboys football, the beautiful Wyoming weather, and oh yeah, the “jab” that made it all possible.

It just sounds so inviting, rewarding, and simple, doesn’t it?

Well, not exactly.

Besides all the bribery taking place, the actual bribes themselves come in the form of a lottery; you can’t win, if you don’t enter.

Only a few students will be rewarded with a bribe or the lottery, not everyone.

But all of them will lose, including the winners, another part of their privacy because they must report their medical decision to UW health officials.

Worst of all, those students naive enough to get involved in all the bribery expose themselves to using some of the worst reasoning to get the jab.

Take, for instance, this mindless little jewel from a student “who chose not to be identified,” he/she was so proud of his/her decision.

At first, I was kind of reluctant to report my vaccine, because I thought it would have taken a long time out of my day. But it turns out reporting my vaccination took no time at all. It was really easy to find; it was as simple as taking a photo on your phone.

Well, there you go; as long as invasion of privacy is short in duration and easy to have stolen, then hey, it all must be good. Right?

It kind of makes a person wonder if this student also believes that computer-chipping everyone in their right hand or forehead would be a good idea too.

After all, it would take no time at all, it would be easy, and as simple as taking a photo.

Or how about this bit of tenuous reasoning from another student, this time by the name of Cameron Schoening? He said,

I got vaccinated because I was going on a trip to Kentucky with my grandma in May, and I wanted to keep her safe from contracting COVID.


So, Cameron was not sick to begin with, but in order to keep granny from catching something Cameron didn’t have, he got vaccinated?

Can someone please explain to me how a person passes along a virus he doesn’t have to relatives, friends, co-workers, or even his worst enemy?

Moreover, how does getting jabbed help prevent infecting someone else when the person doesn’t have the virus in the first place?

Answers to these questions are regularly fleeting, mainly because the questions are regularly left out of the conversation.

But, they need to be asked and they need to be answered, if for no other reason than to expose some of the nonsense behind the vaccination agenda.

But, that wasn’t all. There was still this scintillating gem offered by UW psychology senior Kadon Price. He explained,

I got vaccinated because my best friend is a respiratory therapist and my aunt is a nurse, and I trust their judgment.

While it is somewhat admirable that Mr. Price trusts the judgment of those working in medicine, one thing has become glaringly obvious to me, especially after I contracted the virus and ended up in two emergency rooms seeking relief: The healthcare workers catering to the CDC, FDA, or NIH’s messages are totally clueless on what to do to combat the virus because no protocol has been offered!

Those agencies have become so corrupted, that unless you’re on your deathbed battling the China virus, then no one is going to do anything to really help you, simply because it’s not lucrative enough or it doesn’t support the Leftist agenda.

So, if Mr. Price is basing his reason to get jabbed on the judgment of those sucking at the teats of the aforementioned, corrupted, government agencies, then he very well may be regretting his decision in a few months.

For the evidence is growing that those trusting the government and getting the vaccines are those who are expiring, if not transmitting the virus to others.

Nevertheless, the University of Wyoming students interviewed for the Branding Iron on the issue of China virus vaccinations serve as sort of  microcosm of collegiate thinking all across America.

It is shallow, replete with logical inconsistencies, and sometimes includes an immoral element, such as bribery, to push those who have doubts off the fence and into the clinic.

Sadly, though, those same students, as well as many professors and adults, are also going to end up regretting their decisions somewhere down the line, because the vaccines are not what they are being marketed as: a panacea unto normalcy.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leftist media, and liberal schools, like the University of Wyoming, have been lying all along about not only the origin of the China virus, but about the so-called cures for it.

Millions have already died unnecessary deaths, while millions more have needlessly suffered.

Millions more will die in the coming months and years, not necessarily because of any mutations or “variants” associated with the China virus, but because of all the so-called solutions.

Solutions that even those in the smallest state in the union, population-wise, are falling for.

And for many it all started with something as simple as a bribe they just couldn’t refuse.

About the Author

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D.
Founder of the Christian Apologetics Project PhD, Theology with Dogmatics, North-West University (2018); MA Apologetics with Honors, BIOLA University (2007); ThM, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2003); MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2000); BA Pastoral Ministry & Bible, Baptist Bible College (1992)