It’s Hard to be Sympathetic Toward the Dumb and Naive

Last night I learned of a Denver police officer who is now paralyzed after receiving the Pfizer “vaccine.”

Getting “jabbed” to keep one’s job is the latest in corporate virtue signaling, as one employer after another falls in line with the ridiculous mandates spear-headed by Resident Joe Biden’s effort to get a handle on the China virus, even though his administration continues to fail miserably when it comes to vaccinating literally thousands of illegals aliens as they pour over the southern border.

Jose Manriquez, the Denver police officer, received the Pfizer “clot shot” back in August, and is now suing the City of Denver for what really amounts to an ignorant decision on his part.

Not only did he ignore thousands of examples of those who have been injured or killed because they placed confidence in Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and the FDA, or whomever that was equally ignorant (or perhaps deceptive), and their assurances that these elixirs are safe for everybody.

Manriquez ignored common sense, probably out of desperation, that proves that once anyone has contracted and recovered from the China virus, one does not need to take any of these vaccines to further combat the virus.

In fact, it is hazardous to one’s health, if not simply deadly, to get a vaccine once a person has built up the natural antibodies from contracting the virus.

Jose had already had and recovered from the China virus!

Now, he’s hoping to backtrack, at least financially, by garnering an award from the City of Denver, by suing it.

Fat chance that he will get anything, since the drug companies are already protected from any liability through the Vaccine Court, which few people are even aware exists.

It is just plainly difficult to have any sympathy for those who ignore all the warning signs surrounding this virus and the antics of those who keep the ruse going for ulterior reasons.

I liken it to those who choose to ignore railroad crossing arms that are down and they proceed through the crossing, when the train is about to barrel through the intersection.

In a split-second of stupid decision-making, life completely changes, as the train plows through the ignorant person’s car or truck and results in massive injuries or most likely death.

And it simply did not need to happen!

The same applies to those who keep taking the jab, as they ignore the warnings and proceed ahead, as the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccine train turns another life into a crippled pile of flesh or a corpse.

About the Author

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D.
Founder of the Christian Apologetics Project PhD, Theology with Dogmatics, North-West University (2018); MA Apologetics with Honors, BIOLA University (2007); ThM, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2003); MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2000); BA Pastoral Ministry & Bible, Baptist Bible College (1992)