Positive Advice About the China Virus and Its Variants

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For those reading this post, you probably don’t know that I have had the Corona virus twice now, which includes COVID-19 and the “Delta variant.”

Back at the end of December 2019, before Dr. Fauci started lying about SARS-COV2, I contracted the virus, had a miserable Christmas, and suffered most of the way through January 2020.

It was the worst cold I believe I’ve ever had, but that’s all I thought I had, and so I treated it as such.

After six weeks it was gone.

Then, most recently, toward the end of July 2021, I contracted the Delta variant from a friend, who had “COVID pneumonia” and didn’t even know it, until it landed him in ICU for three weeks with all kinds of problems.

I, too, ended up with COVID pneumonia, which included a hacky cough, shortness of breath, and a persistent fever of around 102 for a couple of weeks.

Although I made two visits to two different Emergency Rooms, I was never admitted to any hospital; all they did was keep sending me home and telling me to take Tylenol and “ride it out.”

Today, the fever is gone, there is no pneumonia in my lungs, and I’m feeling pretty good, considering I’ve lost about 15 pounds, both my arms and legs have atrophied some, and I’m a little weak from the viral warfare.

This bout lasted about three weeks overall.

When I watch all the hoopla on television about the China virus and its variants, and all the panic pouring forth from the “experts” telling people to wear masks and get a shot, I keep thinking about what I’ve gone through and wish they would all just shut up.

Yes, it was miserable. But throughout my life, I’ve had similar colds and flues—yes, the China virus is related to the cold and flu (Corona virus)—and have managed to survive them all and will never catch any of them again, simply because of the antibodies stored up to defeat them before they ever get started.

Yes, some people have passed away—even though they are easily the exception—mainly due to preexisting poor health or a compromised immune system, just like they have been doing by the thousands for thousands of years.

Interestingly, only about 20 people died from cold or flu in 2020, which led an ER doctor tell me it was because of all the mask-wearing that led to a drop in cold and flu deaths in 2020.

If you believe that, then I have some beachfront property in the Arctic I would like to sell you.

The best thing that could happen, when it comes to the China virus, is to catch it and then build up a natural immunity against it.

That way a person will never catch it again, he or she won’t have to wear a mask to keep from catching it, and all of these vaccine elixirs would be exposed for the fraud they are.

There is no substituting God’s natural defense system against viruses than the human body, even though I had the same ER doctor tell me that vaccines were better at fighting bugs than is the human body.

I beg to differ when it comes to cold and flu viruses, as there is no way to prevent or cure a cold, beyond what your momma used to tell you.

Unfortunately, there are so many weak-kneed, limp-wristed, everyday lemmings out there drooling at the feet of panty waste “experts” and doctors, who know absolutely nothing about which they pontificate every day, if they can find a camera to pose in front of while another idiot tosses them some softball questions about the China virus.

They will do just about anything, except use a little common sense, to stay away from the China virus.

They are even frightened enough to give up their God-given rights, as human beings, if it means they can be assured they will never end up on a ventilator, in some darkened hospital hallway, perhaps in a foreign city, because there just are not enough beds to accommodate all the sick and dying people being portrayed on local television every night at 5 and 10 p.m.

Well, after two rounds of the China virus, let me just say that if you’ve ever been sick before with a cold or flu, then you’re going to be just fine when it comes to the China virus and all of its so-called “variants.”

Take your Tylenol, if your fever decides to spike, stay as comfortable as you possibly can, get plenty of rest, and drink plenty of fluids.

Also, don’t be venturing out or going to work, while you’re sick. Stay home!

Above all, don’t be cowering to all the silly, moronic counsel streaming from all the media and political pundits who are only out to make a buck from all the “Dirty Laundry” (Don Henley) that they hopefully wish to see.

Forget the masks, as they do nothing but make you more ill than you already are.

Forget the vaccines, as they are being shown more and more to be a source of the actual transmission of the virus than an actual preventative or cure.

The more faith and trust you show toward the so-called “experts” and self-appointed authorities, the more they will steal your livelihood.

Depending on your immune system will depend on how long you have to endure having a cold or flu.

Both times my wife contracted the virus, she was over it in a week.

I, on the other hand, went from a six-week to a three-week stint battling the bug.

Yours might be longer or shorter, depending on your overall health.

Rest assured, you have a better than 99.5% rate of full recovery, which may not seem that great while you’re convalescing.

But, you’re going to make it.

So, turn off all the panic porn, tell Fauci and the gang to take their masks and vaccines and shove them were the sun doesn’t shine, take a deep breath and live.

You’ll be glad you did.

About the Author

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D.
Founder of the Christian Apologetics Project PhD, Theology with Dogmatics, North-West University (2018); MA Apologetics with Honors, BIOLA University (2007); ThM, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2003); MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2000); BA Pastoral Ministry & Bible, Baptist Bible College (1992)