Mask Charade 2.0

Well, here we go again.

School districts, private businesses, and government entities are all in a panic over whether to mandate the wearing of masks to allegedly prevent the spread of the dreaded “Delta variant” virus.

Personally speaking, I have had both the original Corona virus (COVID-19) and subsequent Delta variant, the latter of which was much more severe than the former.

In neither case would a mask have changed the course of events. Why? Because masks are useless against a virus when the virus is so small that it passes right through the mask.

With the exception of the N95 medical mask, which will only safeguard the wearer 95% of the time, there is not one mask that will help any wearer should he come into contact with the virus.

Oh yeah, I had one doctor in the ER tell me that a mask will help stop droplets from coming into contact with the wearer.

But, the more I thought about it, it’s not the droplets that are the problem, as all of them by sheer gravity will immediately fall to the ground when expelled from someone who has coughed.

The problem is with the virus that lingers in the air, kind of like an aerosol, and someone breathing it in, like I did.

The virus passes immediately into the sinuses or worse yet, the lungs, and then a “weird” firestorm of events begins to unfold that can lead to a variety of outcomes.

In my case, “COVID pneumonia” developed, which entailed a high fever, hacky cough, body aches, and sometimes shortness of breath, even though the latter never developed to the point of hospitalization.

In other cases, moderate to no symptoms occur, while in others, unfortunately, death was the end result—although that is extremely rare (less than half a percent).

So, all of these petty tyrants out there mandating the wearing of a mask really do not know what they’re talking about or even advocating when it comes to this virus that is taking the country by storm.

They are broadcasting a whole lot of propaganda from the CDC and WHO, both of which have long-since discredited themselves either through multiple contradictory statements or by aligning themselves with the equally discredited Dr. Anthony Fauci, who still has not actually treated a Corona virus patient during his stint as NIH director.

Masks, therefore, become an object of control, not of any legitimate health care concern.

Otherwise, where are the same mask mandate advocates when it comes to demanding that only the N95 medical masks be worn?

Where are the advocates when it comes to making sure that each and every person wearing the N95 medical mask do so correctly? Who are the mask-wearing trainers?

Why are not the mask-mandaters also pushing eye protection, glove-wearing, and wearing medical booties (that must be changed regularly to prevent contamination) from location to location?

The answer is they are nowhere, because they know that wearing a mask is about as efficacious at stop a virus as a sieve is at stopping water that passes through it.

Mandating the wearing of a mask is then exposed as a control measure, typically advocated by control freaks on the Left end of the political spectrum, who just cannot find any satisfaction in their otherwise miserable lives, unless they feel like they can tell someone else what to do.

Now, if you just happen to be a big exponent of mask-wearing, then good for you; knock yourself out.

That is your choice safeguarded by the liberty you enjoy by living in the U.S.

On the other hand, just because you might be big on masks does not give you the right to impose your enthusiasm upon others, regardless of whatever altruistic or sympathetic claim you have for others.

It is still their choice to not wear a mask and that right should never be taken away, especially given what I’ve just written above.

The same applies to all of these vaccine mandates, which I’ve addressed in other blog post.

Some might ask, “Are you saying we should just sit back and do nothing, thereby allowing the virus to spread?”

I’m saying, if you really believe that masks are the panacea you claim, and you want to wear one, then you’ll be just fine, regardless of what anyone else does.

It is not any more your business to impose yourself upon someone else’s personal choice in matters like mask-wearing than it is on how they decide to raise their children.

If what they are doing is not immoral or illegal—and there is certainly nothing immoral or illegal about wearing or not wearing a mask—then leave that family alone.

If masks are as efficacious as you believe them to be, then anyone wearing a mask—regardless if its the blue paper face diaper that most people wear incorrectly, a bandana, or a hockey mask—will help them pass through any viral fire unscathed, whether at school, the grocery store, or local muncipality.

Let people decide for themselves what they want to do personally and with their family.

If you’re not a part of a family, then butt-out.

Keep your socialist nose out of their decision-making, as once again, it is none of your business.

Nevertheless, I’m sure that the local, petty tyrants will bully their way to more and more mask mandates, as the cold and flu season ramps up.

It is all a prelude of worse things to come, as petty tyrants are never satisfied with just lording it over people, until the people are begging the tyrants for relief.

That’s when the Mask Charade 2.0 turns into Show Me Your Papers or Armband to demonstrate whether you are approved to even go to the grocery store.

More to come on that.

About the Author

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D.
Founder of the Christian Apologetics Project PhD, Theology with Dogmatics, North-West University (2018); MA Apologetics with Honors, BIOLA University (2007); ThM, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2003); MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2000); BA Pastoral Ministry & Bible, Baptist Bible College (1992)

2 Comments on "Mask Charade 2.0"

  1. So now you are the expert because you speculate that droplets immediately drop to the floor and therefore masks afford no protection (tests show that they can actually travel five feet or more).
    How do you explain that where masks have been mandated, infection rates are significantly lower?
    How do you explain that masks are to “control” us. Just how does that work? Are their secret sublmiinal messages sewn into the fabric, or what?

    • Thanks Jerry for replying.

      First, I’m not an expert because I speculate any more than you are an expert for speculating on your own part. I simply pointed out the obvious that droplets, whatever their size, must obey the law of gravity. The same applies to the virus itself, even though it may consist in aerosol form, it will eventually fall to the ground. It doesn’t take an expert to understand that. All it takes it paying a little attention in Junior High science class way back when.

      Second, there is no study anywhere that shows that mask mandates have resulted in “significantly low” infection rates. You are merely projecting your prejudicial thinking that is contrary to common sense, especially given what I wrote.

      Third, I’ve already pointed out in my article that masks are not about healthcare, but control. Now, if you would like to rebut what I wrote, then be my guest. Otherwise, to repeat myself only means that you’ve chosen not to read with comprehension what is already there.

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