Donald Trump

Charlottesville is NOT about Racism

Paul Derengowski, ThM By now many of you have overdosed on phony baloney news coverage of the recent spectacle that occurred at Charlottesville, Virginia. In short, idiots on the left wanted to take down a Civil War monument, some idiots on the right objected, and all hell broke loose. One…

Comey Canned

Paul Derengowski, ThM James Comey is toast, as far as continuing on as being the leader of one of, if not the highest law enforcement agency in America, the Federal Bureau of Investigation. President Donald Trump fired him yesterday. Of course, all of the left-leaning nuts and windbags are clamoring…

Mormonism, Donald Trump, and Inauguration Day

Paul Derengowski, ThM The Mormons are coming to entertain everyone at the next Presidential inauguration and the homosexual crowd does not like it one bit. Yes, the famed Mormon Tabernacle Choir has been invited to perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony on January 20, 2017, but such an appearance is…

Let the Tomfoolery Commence

Paul Derengowski, ThM Surprise, surprise, surprise, Donald Trump has won the Presidential election and that after months of absolute certainty by many, including myself, that the pathological liar, Hillary Clinton, would win it all. Thank God those of us who were so sure of ourselves were absolutely wrong. That is…

Plan B Post-Election

Paul Derengowski, ThM Hillary Rodham Clinton, complete with all her felonious activities throughout the years, will be the next President of the United States. It is something I have been predicting since 2014, when it was first speculated that she would enter the race. The prediction had nothing to do…

To Defeat Hillary Clinton

All kinds of gibberish is filling the airwaves on what Donald Trump must to do defeat Hillary Clinton in November for Presidency of the United States. “He must keep his head low.”  “He needs to quit attacking the Khan family.”  If he would this or if he would do that,…

Making America Great

After all the hubbub the previous week surrounding the Republican In Name Only Convention, we endured another week’s worth of revelry and fanfare at the Demon National Convention.  As Yakov Smirnoff would say, “What a country!” Such excitement and inspiration caused me pause to reflect on the Donald’s (Trump) slogan,…

What Did We Learn from the Republican National Convention?

Well, it is finally over, and thank God for that!  The Republican National Convention, which could easily have been called the RINO National Convention, is history. Speeches were given, reveling abounded, and what exactly did we learn from the spectacle?  Here are few observations. First of all, there was a…

Ban Muslims? Really? Is that the Answer?

This past week was interesting, to say the least, in terms of how to handle future Islamic terror attacks in the United States. At the head of all the discussion was Presidential hopeful Donald Trump and his proposal to ban all Muslims’ entrance into the country. Of course, his comments…