This morning I was listening to a local radio station where a representative of the Texas Baptist Men, Ms. Terry Crabtree, talked about its involvement in Poland to help the Ukrainians deal with their plight with the Russians.

The TBM have been helping people deal with various and sundry kinds of disasters since 1967 throughout the United States and the world.

But the longer I listened, the more I began to wonder just how many of those involved with the TBM were left-leaning liberals who voted for Joe Biden for President of the United States.

Moreover, I began to wonder just what made the TBM any different from, say, the Mormon Church, the Church of Scientology, the Roman Catholic Church, or the Masonic Lodge, since they have their rescue and restoration programs too.

Why the question? Because the TBM is associated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas, which not only has compromised itself on basic Christian doctrine, but also supports the far left-leaning Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty.

In fact, the BJC has historically proven itself to walk lock-step with Leftist causes, including fighting President Trump’s travel ban against Muslim countries that produce the greatest number of Islamic terrorists, the opposition to school vouchers, and siding with the homosexuals in their lawsuit against a baker in Colorado and his refusal to bake a wedding cake for two sexual perverts.

After doing a bit of research, I came to the conclusion that the TBM was essentially no different, doctrinally or substantively, than any of the aforementioned.

In fact, given amount of apostasy in most Baptist settings these days, I think it could be argued that a vast majority of TBM members could not take and pass a basic test on historically Christian doctrine.

That despite what good the TBM might do during their rescue and restoration excursions around the globe, they are done according to the same motives as all religious heretics and wannabes do them.

They wish to merit God’s favor and mitigate his wrath based on their good works, so as to enter the portals of heaven at the time of death and miss the Judgment Seat of Almighty God altogether.

And if that’s the case, just what are the TBM really doing, aside from making the afflicted and needy into the two-fold children of hell and using a tragedy to do it?

About the Author

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D.
Founder of the Christian Apologetics Project PhD, Theology with Dogmatics, North-West University (2018); MA Apologetics with Honors, BIOLA University (2007); ThM, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2003); MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2000); BA Pastoral Ministry & Bible, Baptist Bible College (1992)