Good Riddance Doctor!

Dear Lord God in heaven,

I come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to petition you on a very important matter pertaining to millions of people all around the world.

Nothing escapes your attention, and you already knew of my thoughts long before I ever thought them, much less put them down in electronic form.

So, this is not new to you, but you’ve asked us to approach you with what is on our hearts to ask, seek, and knock, in order that, if it be according to your will, the prayer would be granted.

Long ago you appointed Dr. Anthony Fauci to his current role at the National Institutes of Health, and without speculating too much, it is assumed that he has done an admirable job during much of his time spent there.

Frankly, I, like so many Americans, really did not know who Dr. Fauci was until about a year ago, and apart from all the happenings with the number of people who are now suffering (self included) or have died because of him, I really would not care who he is.

That said, it is because of all the misery, suffering, and death that he is guilty of perpetrating on the American public and the world at-large that I now make my petition.

Dr. Fauci has taken your appointment, Lord, and turned it from something good to something very evil.

Not only is he complicit in helping to engineer a virus that is directly responsible for the deaths of thousands both in the U.S. and abroad, he is continuing his “gain of function” activities whereby newer and ever more deadly “variants” are being produced, as he sits back and pontificates about mask-wearing and vaccines as the means to stop his Frankenstein effort, while he collects huge paychecks from companies producing the vaccines that are sinister at best.

Therefore, in order to stop all the madness, I am asking you, Lord God Almighty, to remove Dr. Anthony Fauci from his position, as well as bridle his tongue from being able to continue his lying ways.

After all, you are the one who changes the times and seasons; you are the one who establishes kings and then brings them down (Dan 2:21).

You are the one who said, “Nor from the east, nor from the west, nor from the desert comes promotion; But God is the judge; He puts down one, and exalts another” (Ps 75:6-7).

Lord, I am wholly reliant upon you to answer my petition, as men have become afraid to do what is right.

In fact, most men are now doing what right in their own eyes without ever consulting with you on subjects related to Dr. Fauci’s dark dealings with the devil.

I am not sure how or in what manner you will go about removing Dr. Fauci basically from human existence, but I really do not need to know either.

What I do know is that after 18 months of his constant lying, contradicting himself, and outrageous arrogance, it is time for him to go in order to stop him from inflicting further carnage on your creation.

Oh, he is not the lone culprit, Lord, yes, I realize that, as hospital beds fill up due his dirty work.

But, he’s at the top of the satanic pecking order, so to speak, and my thought is, What better starting place than with him?

So, I pray that you will agree with my thoughts and request. May it be your will.

Obviously, there is much, much more to go along with them that you’re well aware, but wish to keep this post in readable form.

I pray, Lord, that by removing Fauci, you will be honored and glorified accordingly.

There is nothing like the defeat of evil—and Dr. Anthony Fauci is every bit as evil as, say, a Josef Mengele of Nazi Holocaust days—whereby God’s people praise you for its defeat and the exaltation of what is good.

Let the world know that you are God, that you listen to your saints, and that you will not be mocked; “for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap” (Gal. 6:7), by bringing Dr. Anthony Fauci’s disgusting, deceiving, and diabolical ways to an end.

I make this petition in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, my rock and my savior.


About the Author

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D.
Founder of the Christian Apologetics Project PhD, Theology with Dogmatics, North-West University (2018); MA Apologetics with Honors, BIOLA University (2007); ThM, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2003); MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2000); BA Pastoral Ministry & Bible, Baptist Bible College (1992)