Let’s Kill the Children Too

As if injuring or killing grown adults with all the China virus elixirs is not enough, now the powers that be want to start injuring and killing our children too.

It was announced yesterday that school districts across America were going to start vaccinating children as young as 12 years-old to prevent them from dying from a virus that has a .02% (or less) mortality rate among them.

That’s right; the government and your local school officials want to pump a bunch of drugs into your children to spare them from something that has a lesser chance of killing them than riding a bike, choking on food, or drowning in a lake or pool.

It is completely unnecessary, in other words, to be vaccinating children against the China virus, since the China virus rarely results in death of children, much less than anyone.

So, why is there such a big push, now, to get children vaccinated?

Is it because government officials have failed miserably to intoxicate all adults?

Is it because there is a real concern that the children are in imminent danger?

It is because the general public has finally figured out how much they have been lied to by the CDC, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the rest of the global elites?

In my humble opinion, it has always been about the children, as they are the wave of the future.

In order to control the future, one must indoctrinate and control the youth, much like Hitler did back in the 1940s.

Not only is the control imposed upon the masses through endless amounts of diabolic propaganda in the media, it is now directed at everyone, especially the children, through mass amounts biological manipulation.

What we are seeing today with all the hype over the need to get everyone vaccinated is similar to the eugenics programs Hitler implemented to build the master race.

Vaccinating our children against a virus with practically zero mortality has nothing to do with actually warding off the effects of the virus and everything to do with weeding out the “deplorables” in society.

Those on the Left know that they will never be able to rid themselves of those who are constantly getting in their way of garnering total control over the populace through persuasive argumentation and debate.

Therefore, they are feverishly attempting to eradicate the opposition by stealth or relying upon a boogeyman that no one can see to do their dirty work for them.

Ordering the outright execution of the deplorables would be outrageous, even to many on the Left.

But, execution through vaccination is acceptable, if not absolutely imperative, if the human race is to continue; even though, once again, less than .02% of anyone actually dies from the boogeyman.

What is unfortunate is that too many on the Right have accepted the Left’s irrational argument, have rolled up their sleeves, and are in expectation that our children do the same.

The whole China virus ruse has been insidious from the get-go.

Not only have the CDCs and the Dr. Faucis been lying all along about it, with thousands of people either suffering injury or death, now they want to do the same to the children.

Why those in authority do not have the guts to step up and protect the children from an even bigger lie than the one told all along is a mystery.

Perhaps it is because those same persons have less forethought than those promoting the lies.

Perhaps it is that courage to do what is right often requires personal sacrifice and enduring the humiliation from those intent on doing what is wrong, and most people just do not have the stomach to do so, even when a child’s life is a stake.

Perhaps it is because too much success has led people to become lackadaisical or apathetic in doing what is right with the faulty assumption that another totalitarian regime, like Hitler’s, could never happen on American’s watch on American soil.

Whatever the case, the new totalitarianism has come to America in the form of a boogeyman virus and a boogeyman vaccination program that has everything to do with control, even if it means injuring or killing people, and nothing to do with virology.

What started with wearing silly masks has evolved to getting a vaccine, the latter of which is nothing more than further exertion of the same kind of control over the population that was imposed upon it when the ruse began back in March 2020.

The only exception is that today the focus is on the children.

Government officials have stolen their future and now they are out to steal their lives.

About the Author

Paul Derengowski, Ph.D.
Founder of the Christian Apologetics Project PhD, Theology with Dogmatics, North-West University (2018); MA Apologetics with Honors, BIOLA University (2007); ThM, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2003); MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2000); BA Pastoral Ministry & Bible, Baptist Bible College (1992)