
When Nature Talks about God

The Bible records that, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork” (Ps 19:1). What we all so often take for granted, namely the created order, is actually a vast lecture or concert hall where God’s glory is trumpeted all across the universe. It…

God Gave Us Joe

Whether most Americans agree or not, Almighty God gave them Joe Biden to be their leader, as much as it makes me cringe to write that. It’s not that he’s a great leader, because he’s not. It’s not that he’s the smartest person to have ever graced the White House,…

Standing Over the Abyss

No thoughtful man can possibly look out upon the world today without observing that we are in the midst of a tremendous emergency. It does seem perfectly clear to thoughtful people, whether they are Christians or not, that humanity is standing over an abyss.—J. Gresham Machen Those words were written…

Being Consequential

Today, apparently, is the 10th anniversary of the death of Andrew Breitbart, the conservative journalist who suddenly passed unexpectedly from heart failure (at least according to a recently released coroner’s report) at the ripe old age of 43. He lived a “consequential” life opined Mark Levin, who is a conservative…

The Futility of Living Without Hearing from God

Have you ever gone a trip and just aimlessly started walking or driving, not having any idea where you were going? Unless you were suffering from the onset of dementia or Alzheimers, probably not. And yet the world is full of people and nations that are a on a trip…

Let’s Make Stuff Up about Ourselves

As mentioned previously, dealing with the duration of hell is on my radar, as I prepare to write a book about it. This blog article asks why some choose of fabricate stories about their past in order to bolster their argument in favor of turning hell into a not-so-bad of…

Old Lies Never Seem to Die

“Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made” (Genesis 3:1). Years ago, when I first started studying the cults of Christianity and how they managed to spin the Bible to deny its most basic teachings—the Trinity, Jesus’ deity, God’s…

Are Extra-Terrestrials Really that Intelligent?

In the previous two articles I discussed the fact that humans are not alone in the universe. I explained that not only does the existence of God preclude human loneliness, but that God had created others creatures, namely angels, by the “thousands upon thousands” and that they serve God and…

UFOs in God’s Created Order

Before answering the question of where UFOs fit into God’s created order it must be pointed out that aside from God’s presence in the universe, there are other intelligent creatures beside human beings that God created, which makes humanity less than lonely in the vastness of space. Those creatures are…

UFOs, Human Loneliness, and God’s Existence

Have you noticed lately the upsurge in reports about UFOs—again? Unidentified. Flying. Objects. It is a topic that has come and gone throughout the years, and for whatever reason the videos never get any clearer, the conspiracies always seem to point at a government cover-up, and no one ever comes…